Do you want the truth? or do you see ignorance as bliss
In the cult classic film, the Matrix, Morpheus says Neo in the now famous line, “You take the blue pill—the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill—you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember: all I’m offering is the truth. Nothing more.
The pills represent a choice we have in life between accepting the truth of reality (red pill), which could be harsh and difficult, or maintaining our blissful ignorance of the world (blue pill), which is way more comfortable.
This is true for most things in life, especially money. It’s taboo, it’s uncomfortable to talk about. It’s just not cool and the machines (the money system) want to keep it that way. They want to keep you blissfully unaware and trapped inside their matrix money game.
They’ll make everything shiny and glamorous to keep you chasing and to keep you trapped in the money system.
If you want to carry on regardless and be ignorant to the game of money, it will control you or you will struggle with money all your life.
Yet, I invite you to take the red pill and wake up to the matrix, the money game that controls most people’s lives.
I too was blissfully unaware until I was unplug from the matrix, not by my own choosing but by personal tragedy, that woke me up to realise how short life is and that we must live intentionally to take control of our time and create a life of meaning.
Self financial education is key to breaking the matrix of money that most are plugged in!
You must free yourself by learning about money and not allowing the game to win.
One of my wake up moments was reading Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki who tells a story about how the rich teach their kids about money. By learning the secrets of the money game, you can unplug yourself from the money matrix. By learning what an asset is, what a liability is and what cash flow is on a financial statement, you can see how your game is being played.
You can then follow the financial peace baby steps to build your foundation on money and then learn about investing so you can reach FIRE, Financial Independence, Retire Early status and be free of the matrix.
Once you are on your path to FIRE or financial independence, you are in control of your destiny and on the journey to controlling your time to free yourself.
Money controls us or we control our money. It’s up to you to be financially smart. If you choose not to decide, you’ve still made a choice!
The money game will keep us plugged in if we stay blissfully ignorant or we can choose the red pill and unplug ourselves from the money matrix game and take back control of our lives!.