“Start small, think big" - Steve Jobs
Imagine a place where you know that your best interests are at the heart of its core.
Imagine a place where you can find recipes, tips and strategies to help you live your best life.
Imagine an honest, loving and caring community to support you in achieving a meaningful life.
This is my vision of Best Life Cafe.
My name is Paul Deehan. Welcome to Best Life cafe. My life so far has given me huge blessing and also major setbacks, which through the adversity I’ve grown.
Life’s not about how hard you get hit, It’s about how you get back up and carry on living your best life.
This site is my way of contributing beyond myself.
A way for me to share lessons, stories and recipes that have helped me and other people live a good life.
After my sister, Kimberley, passed away in 2005, I was lost.
Mentally, emotionally and spiritually. The whole bag of works. I began on a journey to discover ways to not only get my shit together but to start living a life of meaning.
Our greatest adversities often end up being our greatest strengths.
So my vision for Best Life cafe is to help people live their best life.
Whether it’s only online through a Facebook group or an actual cafe, who knows.
Let’s start small, think big, keep growing and see where this journey takes us.
I do have big dreams for BLC, maybe a street food van touring the country or several cafes around the world or an online community/meet-ups sharing the recipes to help people live a better life.
As we see, too many people are struggling with mental illness, poverty and other issues that I believe shouldn’t be in today’s world.
By supporting people on an individual basis with recipes that can empower them to grow through their adversities into a life of meaning, we can change the world for the better.
A big dream, yes, but a dream worth fighting for.
So with this big dream, as Steve Job says. “Start small, Think Big”.